Collagenx hydrolysed collagen's efficacy is demonstrated in scientific studies
As one of the most extensively researched collagen peptides on the market, the efficacy of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen powder in promoting mobility is supported by an impressive body of scientific evidence. Collagenx hydrolysed collagen is unique as it simultaneously supports all the connective tissues by stimulating local cells in the target tissues to produce more collagen and other key matrix components. A wide range of studies has demonstrated Collagenx hydrolysed collagen’s ability to promote healthy joints and strong bones. Collagen peptides also support lean muscle mass and strength.
Collagenx hydrolysed collagen supports overall mobility
Joint health
Wear and tear on joints can cause stiffness and discomfort in older adults. Collagen powder is fast becoming the preferred active ingredient for joint health supplements and the efficacy of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen for improving joint function and reducing discomfort is backed by scientific studies including in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials.
Maintaining Healthy Joints
In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial1, 94 women aged 40-70 with knee joint problems (osteoarthritis classification: 0-III) received 8g of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen powder or placebo daily for a period of 6 months.
- WOMAC score is the international standard method for assessing joint health clinically in patients
- CollagenX hydrolysed collagen treatment resulted in a statistically significant decrease of the WOMAC score by -22% linked to a 32% decrease in joint pain and 44% improvement of stiffness (subscale scores).
Improving joint function
The same study also sought to discover whether Collagenx hydrolysed collagen could improve knee joint function in the same group of women.
- The Lysholm score is linked to improved knee movement in everyday activities,
- Collagenx hydrolysed collagen treatment resulted in a statistically significant increase in the Lysholm score by 7% which demonstrates the improvements over time.
Stimulating chondrocytes (cartilage cells)
In an in vitro study2, primary cartilage cells (chondrocytes) were cultured in the presence of different concentrations of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen for 8 days to demonstrate Collagenx hydrolysed collagen’s ability to induce the production of the key cartilage components, aggrecan and type 2 collagen, which make up the joint tissue.
- Collagenx hydrolysed collagen peptide treatment clearly stimulated the expression of aggrecan and type 2 collagen by the joint cells.
Cartilage-regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen
A new in vivo study3 confirms Collagenx hydrolysed collagen peptide's role in supporting joint health, providing scientific documentation of the mechanisms behind cartilage regeneration and joint inflammation reduction. Collagenx hydrolysed collagen is:
- Cartilage-regenerative - it preserves cartilage area during osteoarthritis development
- Chondro-regenerative - it stimulates chondrocyte proliferation (increased number) and stimulates proteoglycan synthesis.
- Anti-inflammatory - it normalises synovial thickness and reduces production of the inflammatory marker TNF.
Bone Health
Maintaining strong bones reduces the risk of fractures later in life. Collagen makes up the structural framework on which minerals are deposited. When taken as a supplement, hydrolysed collagen peptides can support healthy and strong bones, as shown in multiple in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials4-7. Collagenx hydrolysed collagen can stimulate the endogenous production of collagen in bone tissue, triggering osteoblasts (bone formation cells) and increasing bone size and firmness.
Collagenx hydrolysed collagen can ideally be combined with calcium and vitamin D to offer optimal bone health benefits.
Restoring Bone Mineral Density
In an in vivo study4 an established model that mimics the loss of bone mass (osteopenia) in postmenopausal women (Ovx) was used to investigate the effect of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen supplementation– the experimental group (Ovx + Collagenx hydrolysed collagen) received a daily dose of CollagenX hydrolysed collagen for 3 months in addition to a normal diet (with adequate level of calcium, protein and Vitamin D). The Ovx and Control group received a normal diet only.
Collagenx hydrolysed collagen treatment restored bone mineral density (BMD) in the experimental group to the normal level. In contrast, the control group experienced a reduced BMD.
Improving Bone Strength
The same study as above also investigated the microarchitecture and strength of bones and demonstrate the following:
- Collagenx hydrolysed collagen treatment increased ultimate bone strength compared to the control group.
Stimulating Osteoblasts (bone cells)
The mechanisms behind Collagenx hydrolysed collagen’s bone health benefits are well known. As an example, Collagenx hydrolysed collagen was compared to a control protein in below in the vitro study5, referred to below, primary bone cells were cultured in the presence of Collagenx hydrolysed collagen for 2 weeks.
- Collagenx hydrolysed collagen treatment promoted the formation of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) and stimulated their activity. In contrast, the presence of bone-resorbing cells (osteoclasts) were suppressed. The control protein (BSA) did not demonstrate the same effect.
Muscle Health
Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and function. Exercise and adequate intake of easily digestible protein is vital to counteracting the condition's effects. The recommended protein intake for healthy adults is 0.8g/kg body weight per day8. However, older people can benefit from a higher intake which is often difficult as their diets often lack protein. As a bioactive protein, Collagenx hydrolysed collagen can help maintain lean body mass in older adults.
Maintaining muscle mass
In a double-blind, crossover trial9, nitrogen balance was compared in a group of elderly women aged 65 - 85 who consumed a diet supplemented with either whey protein or collagen peptides.
- Women receiving whey protein lost body weight and had increased nitrogen excretion during the study period while those parameters remained stable under collagen peptides supplement.
- Collagen peptides can help maintain nitrogen balance and preserve lean body mass.